Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Casserole Carrier

A friend of mine is moving this week. Rebekah truly has the gift of hospitality and I wanted to give her a thank you gift for setting such a good example. I thought a casserole carrier was appropriate since she loves to cook!
 The chef hat and utensils design is from Embroidery Library. I used Embird Alphabet #8 for the text. The border design came from Dee Giles.


  1. Oh I love that!! Where did you get the casserole holder from?

  2. Sheila, I made it using two quilted placemats. Embroider on the top one, add handles to the bottom one, put button holes on both so the spoon can slide through as the closure, then stitch around three sides. It goes together pretty quickly!
    The challenge is finding nice quilted placemats that don't cost a fortune. :) Of course you could make your own with prequilted fabric.
