Sunday, December 19, 2010


It's a baby!
No, it's a toddler!
No, it's TWO-PERMAN!!!
Instead of getting all weepy and going on and on about how I cannot believe my son is two years old, let me move directly to his awesome birthday shirt. Dashiell is really into superheros, especially Superman. He has some Superman jammies that he would wear 24/7 if I let him. I needed to get him a Superman shirt, but hadn't seen one locally. Then I realized I could make him one for his birthday! But instead of using the "S" emblem I asked my fabulous husband, Carlin Trammel, to design a symbol with a "2" in it to celebrate his new age. Carlin drew this and emailed it to me. (He drew this on his iPhone. ON HIS iPHONE. Technology is crazy.)
I imported the image into Embird and digitized the design. I have only dabbled in applique designs, but I'm really pleased with how this came out! Before putting it on a shirt, I tested my design on a bib. This will be great for cake pictures.
It turned out well and I proceeded to make Dashiell's shirt:

He LOVES this shirt. I let him wear it Wednesday when we went to the library for story time (since they would sing Happy Birthday to him). He literally cried and screamed when I put his coat on because he didn't want to cover up the symbol. That night he refused to take it off to put on his pajamas and asked to sleep in it. He wore it all the next day as well... I may have to buy 6 more blue shirts so we have one for every day! :)
To finish off the gift, I made Dashiell a Two-perman cape. No pattern, I just winged it!

Here are a few pictures from today. Putting cape on for the first time:
Flying towards the camera
 and showing us the back
What a doll!
Words cannot express how exciting it is to be able to make something that he adores and truly is one of a kind. I've been pretty giddy about it and anxious to write this blog post. :)


  1. This is seriously one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time! Well done! (And really- he drew that on his iphone??)
