Thursday, November 18, 2010

Atomic Babies to Power

Hey, hey, hey, it's Janay's husband Carlin Trammel again back with another guest-blog post. You may remember that back in July I wrote a post about sending a couple of baby gifts up to Canada to one of The Atomic Geeks from THE ATOMIC GEEKS podcast. Well, not sure if there is something in the atomic water up there, but another Geek, Michael DiGiovanni (aka DiGio), has recently welcomed a new baby into his family as well.
Like Baby Nielsen, Li'l DiGio received an "Atomic Geek in Training" onesie. Also, like Baby Nielsen, Li'l DiGio received a colorful super hero-themed bib. This time, it was based on Green Lantern. It has the emblem and the phrase "No Morsel Shall Escape My Sight, Beware My Power Green Lantern's Bite" which is a riff on the Green Lantern oath from the comic book, cartoons, and upcoming movie. (And I have to confess, this fun little phrase was not my idea, but Janay's. Good nerd wife...)
All the stuff I said in my last post about Twitter bringing people together that otherwise would never have met holds true still. And even though he's hundreds of miles away and can't see it, there's hardly a day that goes by where DiGio doesn't bring a smile to my face. Thanks, buddy. And congrats on the new addition to your family.

1 comment:

  1. Those are so fantastic! Brilliantly geeky, Carlin! Love the Green Lantern one especially!

    The Irredeemable Shag
