Sunday, January 30, 2011

Starting a Custom Wardrobe

Ok, I'm almost embarrassed to post this. But someday I hope to look back on this post and be able to say, "Look how far I've come!!!"
My daughter got an American Girl for Christmas. That alone is a crazy investment, but the clothes...? Wow, they are PRICEY. I don't spend that much on our clothes, so certainly not for a doll! I'm sure you are thinking, "Janay, just make her some clothes!" But here's the thing, I have very little experience with garment construction. Sure, I can make a pillowcase dress, but that's not really a big deal. A-lines and Jon-jons are as fancy as I have ever gotten, and they wear me out! So making clothes for a doll... wow, really not ready for that. I mean, I've never done anything with sleeves!
But this afternoon Annaliese was commenting that her doll didn't have a regular dress to wear that really fit (we've been making due with Build-a-Bear clothes). I looked at what Annaliese was wearing, realized I had extra fabric and MAYBE I could whip out a matching outfit. So here we go:
For the shirt, I took a newborn onesie I had in my stash, chopped off the bottom and used Heat and Bond Lite to fuse a watermelon to the shirt. That was way faster and easier than searching for the perfect tiny watermelon embroidery design. :)  The skirt is a simple tube of fabric with elastic at the top. Again, nothing fancy, but Annaliese was thrilled and super impressed with how fast I got it done. Frankly, so was I. :)
So mark this as the beginning. Hopefully in a few years I will far surpass this style of clothing. Although I HIGHLY doubt I will ever achieve the ability of my mother. Such a seamstress... I sorely regret that back when I was 12 years old and she bought me a sewing machine I had no interest in it. Oh, to be able to go back and change my attitude and capitalized on the opportunity to learn...
Let me show you the talent that is in my genes, but not my skill set... yet. Here are the wedding dresses that my mom made for both Annaliese and her doll. She made these out of her own wedding dress. HOW AMAZING ARE THEY?!?!?
Someday, someday...


  1. Oh my! The wedding dresses are amazing, and simply stunning. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the little outfit you made...very resourceful and a great match!
    I've made a few things for my girls' AG dolls. Skirts and pillow case dresses are the easiest, but I've also used Carla C.'s A-line and sweet dress patterns too. Those came together pretty easily. She actually has some cute ideas on her blog about how to turn a few of her doll clothes patterns into Disney princess dresses with a few modifications.
