Wednesday, February 18, 2009

F is for Farm!

This week Annaliese's class is studying the letter "F" with a focus on "Farm." I knew this was coming, so back in November when I bought a custom design set from
Sew Many Designs, I picked this cute FARM design. SMD applique designs take a while to stitch out (lots of fabric patches and detail) but they stitch flawlessly and are sooooooooo cute! I especially love her word designs that substitute items for letters (like the NOEL shirt I made in November).

I also have Designs by JuJu's Barnyard Buddies. I had lofty goals of embellishing jeans or a skirt with these designs, but that didn't happen. Maybe at another time...

1 comments on "F is for Farm!"

Sara on February 18, 2009 at 11:04 PM said...

So cute!





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