Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ladybug Hair Clips

This past Sunday our Homebuilders group at church participated in a service project -- filling wrapped shoe boxes with gifts for children to donate to Operation Christmas Child. We did it potluck style: everyone brought mulitples of the items they purchased (toys, games, books, crafts, candy, hygiene items, etc) and then we filled the boxes with various combinations.
I still had several crayon rolls left from when I mass produced them four years ago that we took. We also made these!
The Ladybug Felt Stitchies design is from GG Designs. Her little hair clip designs are so cute! I picked the ladybugs because they weren't seasonal and could be worn by the girls year round. I used tiny black ricrac for the antenna.
Mass producing these is quicker than doing a pair at a time. In Embird I put 20 leaf clips in my 6x10 hoop, color sorted, and deleted all the tackdown stitches. All I had to do was lay down one big piece of felt, do the detail stitching for all 20, then put a big piece of felt on the back and stitch the barrette outline for all 20. I was able to get 20 small ladybugs in my 5x7 hoop. What I didn't factor in to my production plan was:
20 ladybugs x 8 dots each = 160 jump stitches = 320 scissor snips. :)
Annaliese was very helpful on this project -- she pulled off all the tearaway stabilizer while I trimmed the pieces out. We enjoyed our time together, and I liked being able to donate homemade items.

2 comments on "Ladybug Hair Clips"

Tara on October 25, 2011 at 10:20 AM said...

What a wonderful idea for the shoe boxes. We fill them at church as well!!! Thanks for another great idea!!

Anonymous said...

Great job! Aren't they fun?





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