This was actually the last thing I stitched (on July 20) before packing up my "sewing studio" to move, but I never got around to posting it!
Jan requested a hooded towel for a co-worker who is expecting a baby boy. They plan to name him James Robert, but call him JR. They are decorating with a jungle theme, and Jan asked me to be creative and come up with something. So here we go:

I found some zebra print ribbon and used the zebra print alphabet (a freebie on
Sew Forum) for the monogram. Instead of putting his name across it, I added "Jungle Ranger" with Embird Alphabet #2.

I'm not sure there really a job title called a Jungle Ranger, but it was all I could think of using the initials JR. I think it turned out cute -- not babyish at all, so it should get some use into his toddler years, if not beyond!
We had a successful move on Thursday, and are slowly unpacking. Laundry, the kitchen and Annaliese's room end up having a higher priority over sewing (sigh...) so I don't know how quickly I'll be set up again. Hopefully within a week! Now that Annaliese has her own half-bathroom, I'd like to buy new towels and monogram them for her. In a week and a half we will hopefully learn the gender of baby #2, which will lead to new projects, as well as preschool starting in a couple weeks! Lots to do, just for us! If you have been holding off on project requests, feel free to start asking!