Happy Fall Y'all! Here are my two little pumpkins all ready for the harvest season:

These outfits have a bit of a story. Kathy ordered the a-line dress and jon-jon online. I'm not going to share her source because receiving the items was a nightmare. Her money was quickly accepted :) but she didn't hear back from the seller for a long time. It was looking like she'd never get the order, nor her money back. She did eventually get them, but not in the color she ordered (orange instead of red gingham). Upon receiving them (like 2 months later) she wasn't sure how they were going to fit the kids, so instead of embellishing them herself, she sent them to me.
If we still lived in IL, orange outfits would be a no-brainer -- GO ILLINI!! I was tempted to do something orange and blue. BUT we live in FL, and I certainly don't want people to see my kids and think we are Gator fans, especially now that Carlin is officially a Seminole. So I opted to go with a fall theme.

The applique design is from
Designs by Juju's Harvest Patchwork Applique set. I love her stuff! It's especially helpful that her designs usually come in both 4x4 and 5x7 sizes because I had a small one for Dashiell and a large one for Annaliese. I added their names with the
Bingham font from 8 Claws and a Paw. It resized well for Annaliese, and stitched beautifully (as usual).

The A-line was just a bit too short for my taste, so to lengthen it a bit I added a ruffle. This was my very first ruffle. I did quite a bit of brainstorming with both Kathy and my mom. In the end, I went with Mom's suggestion of making a totally finished loop of material, gathering it 1/2" down from the top, and top-stitching it to the dress. I'm pretty pleased with the results. It adds about 2 inches to the dress, and the weight of it keeps the dress down. Plus Annaliese loves it.

I'm so glad the outfits turned out cute, especially after all the trouble Kathy had. Thanks for persevering!! I think it was worth it. I'm sure they will wear these several Sundays in October and November, and today was Dashiell's first trip to the pumpkin patch. Here are a few more pictures:

(Stay tuned... Dashiell is now big enough for the Martha Pullen reversible JonJon, so I'm anxious to make D and A matching Christmas outfits!!!)