Are they too sweet for your taste? :)
The applique hearts are Lynnie Pinnie's Conversation heart design. I used Embird Alphabet #2 for their names and Alphabet #7 for "Mommy's Sweethearts". It was the closest font I have to the actual logo of the candy.

I chose "SWEET" for Annaliese and "CUTE" for Dashiell. Annaliese's first comment after seeing them was that hers should be cute because she is. Sigh... I suppose I could cover her shirt with all sorts of complimentary conversational hearts. :)

Mommy and her Sweethearts!

A blurry picture of Annaliese, but sweet none-the-less!

And cute Dashiell... here's hoping his applique design doesn't dissolve before Valentine's Day!

While I was at it, I decided to make our moms each a hand towel with this design. I got to deliver them in person last weekend!