Over the weekend I made three hooded towels. Now that the surprise gift has been received, I can post pictures of all three.
First up is a VERY belated baby gift for friends of mine. Daryl and Rebecca had a baby boy May 1, the day after I found out I was expecting. Morning sickness, buying a house, moving, starting preschool... that all got in the way of a timely gift. Thankfully my MIL does embroidery and goes to church with them, so I knew she'd take care of all my typical baby gift items and bought me a little time. I decided to make little Lomond a hooded towel to coordinate with the
towel his big sister got last year. I used Embird Alphabet #8.

Next, my Aunt Linda requested a towel for her granddaughter. We used brown/pink ribbon so it would coordinate with Ainsley's bathroom. I used Embird Alphabet #33 for hers.

Finally Shannon contacted me after receiving her
hooded towel from Jan. She has a baby shower to attend and wanted to take one as a gift, too. She told me what nursery theme the mom-to-be had picked (Cherry Blossoms from BabiesRUs):

I found a cute cherry blossom design from
Embroidery Library, picked thread colors to match the motif on the nursery set, and added her name with Embird Alphabet #8.